Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Back to Back

Time has passed and as much as I'd like to say my back has improved, that I'm walking with ease, it just ain't happening. My bad back and I are together for the long haul.

I saw one of those commercials on TV about laser back surgery, and I have to admit it crossed my mind. How wonderful it would be to go in, have a quick bit of surgery and walk out pain free.

It must have been in the back of my mind when I saw the doctor on Friday. I asked about a new MRI, thinking maybe something could be done for my back. She said no. There was nothing to be done, to many degenerative discs, pinched nerves, arthritis. Not something to be done by a quick in and out.

I realize the things that cause me problems, like lifting anything over 18-20 pounds. It doesn't help that my walker weighs 24 lbs. and I lift it in and out every time I go out.

I am making an investment in a new mattress, hoping that will make it better for me in the mornings, that it won't take me most of the day to get moving. I am definitely not a morning person.

One thing I have noticed, is how much dust and dirt accumulates in three weeks. I have been unable to do even the most basic housekeeping. The dishes is all I've accomplished, and that is only because I've had basic meals and used paper plates.

If it could just get a little bit better, that's not asking for much, is it?

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Oy, My Aching Back

I made it through the week, feeling a slow, but sure return to some easier mobility. Had my shower and felt better, almost human.

Human enough to try for a trip to the store, my refrigerator had never been so empty. I made it around the store, using the cart like a walker, leaning on it quite heavily by the time I made it to check out.

The night was rough, the pain I usually feel on standing and sitting plagued me in bed, making it difficult to turn and find a comfortable position.

I'm trying to keep moving, up walking, sitting in my chair, stretching out flat in the bed. I'm taking Advil at its maximum daily dose, for the pain and the anti-inflammatory effect, and hope this will soon pass. I will never be totally free from back pain, but this exacerbation is hard to manage.

I had an MRI done a few years ago, and my doctor's words on seeing the report..."Your back is a mess".

I can't agree more.

And why is it that when your back hurts you get clumsy and drop things, or need things on the very top or bottom shelves? I need to vacuum, but that will have to wait. It will be enough to get the garbage to the curb tomorrow, and if I don't get some laundry done soon I'll be in dire straits.

Day by day, that's how it's given so that's how I'll take it.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Back Pain and More Back Pain

What day is it? I seem to be all confused, which often happens after a long weekend, but this time my week has been turned upside down because of debilitating pain.

I woke up Tuesday morning and could barely stand, stumbled into the bathroom but then could not stand at all. If not for the sink close by, I may have just fallen to the floor from having to sit so long. (Toilets are not comfortable).

I made it back to bed in a semi standing stance, using the door frame, furniture to keep me upright. Let me just say, it was a rough day. I made it over to my walker and used it to support myself, something I have never had to do inside before.

I was relatively comfortable as long as I was lying down, but to stand or sit, I was in such pain. All of that day and most of the next were spent in bed, and I am getting so tired of being in bed, inside and not able to function.

Today, I managed to get a shower, though I had my doubts it was going to happen when the first challenge was to lift my leg over the edge of the tub. It was difficult, but the hot water felt great and I got it done. I actually feel somewhat human again.

But I've been in my chair for a few minutes, on the computer, checking e-mails and such, and I can feel the pain start again. I best get some breakfast while I can. Meals have not been a priority these last few days but I need to take my medication with food.

I have coped with the bad knee, the Multiple Sclerosis, but this back pain affects everything I do. It hampers my mobility more than the MS.

I wish I had taken better care of my back when I was younger, but then youth gives us a sense of invincibility, that we can do anything. Unfortunately, we pay for that 'anything' later in life.