Friday, 4 November 2016

Crazy for Crochet

Since last winter I have been having more difficulty sitting upright. It seems I'm losing upper body strength, so sitting where I have no support is a challenge. I bought a recliner chair, on the advice of my physician, but have to admit, I don't like it.

I suppose if I was just relaxing, watching television or reading, it might be okay, but I can't seem to do just one thing at a time. So I might read and watch television, but I really like to read in bed. I find the chair, when reclined, puts me at an odd angle, for using the laptop, or for doing crafts. And to be honest, I don't like lying on my back.

So, in order to put my feet up, and be reclined, more on my side than my back, I go to bed extremely early. I spend my evening in bed, going from crochet to reading, to maybe a book of puzzles (I suck at Sudoku).

A friend asked if I ever made those toppers for tea towels, you know the ones, they hang from the handle on your oven door or cupboard, and are handy for drying your hands. I said yes, had made a set, with matching dish cloths for each of my kids a few years ago for Christmas.

My friend asked if I could make her a few for Christmas, but never got back to me with any details. I went ahead and looked for patterns, and was anxious to start. I found myself between projects, so to speak, and needed something to do.

With no handy tea towels, and no idea of colors, I found the perfect solution. It is a crocheted topper, but instead of being attached to the tea towel, the towel is inserted through an elastic covered ring, and can be changed for the season or just for variety, and of course for washing.

I have a big stash of leftover yarn, and sooooo many buttons, I got started right away and am sharing the results. If my friend doesn't want these I'll donate them to one of the upcoming Christmas bazaars that are coming up.

I don't do anything by half measures, obviously.

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