Monday, 16 January 2017

Motion Medicine

Don't we all wish there was some magic potion that would keep us hale and hearty, mobile and independent. Alas, there is no such miracle cure or fixer-upper.

My son gave me a jar of analgesic ointment called Motion Medicine. I have come to depend on its pain relieving qualities, and as a side benefit, the smell that seems to clear the sinuses.

I have a great deal of pain in my lower legs, usually at night and worse when I have been out, walking more than usual. Some of my night pain is the numbness in my feet. After sitting with my feet down, the outer part of my foot, my toes feel like  something solid and foreign, like part of me, but not. When I lie down I have to keep wiggling my toes, to stop these weird sensations. Just like I shake my hands when they go numb.

The pain in my legs runs from my knee down the outer portion of my leg, and it keeps me from settling.

That's where the Motion Medicine comes in. I rub it down the outside of my lower leg, on my left knee if it aches, and sometimes on my shoulder. There must be something magic in that stuff because I always sleep better when I've used it.

The smell is strong, and I've learned to wash my hands with soap after (even though I'd like the pain relief for my hands) because it's a mistake to put this stuff anywhere that might touch near your eyes.

So, a big thanks to my son, for the gift that keeps on giving.

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