Tuesday 30 May 2017

New Meds

I've been feeling down, the pain getting to me, along with the rain and miserable chilly damp weather.

I saw my doctor yesterday, and have two new prescriptions. One is a NSAID, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a new one for me as I spent more than 10 years on Naprosyn, for the joint pain that has plagued me since my twenties.

Between the usual, my usual, MS symptoms, and the pain, it's been a rough year so far. My fatigue is so bad, I'm the Queen of Naps, an expert at the afternoon snooze. Does the pain make the fatigue worse, I'd say yes, as activity is a struggle.

The second medication I'm going to try is for nerve pain. That's very definitely related to the MS. I have pain running down the outside of my legs, numbness in my feet and stabbing pins and needles in my right thigh. Then there's the sharp stabbing pain in my fingertips...all nerve related.

So, I've taken the one new medication this morning, and am awaiting the results though the paper explaining the drug says it needs two weeks for full effect.

Today should have been a crash day, after driving out of town to the doctor, waiting for the prescriptions, shopping for a few groceries, but I feel surprisingly good. I've been on my computer, have walked out to water my plants and have the dishes done, almost as the last pan is still soaking.

We'll just have to wait and see. Here's hoping.

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