Sunday 29 May 2016

Stove Stupidity

I'm sitting here, on this hot and humid day, with all my windows and drapes closed against the heat. As the warm weather is a particular problem for me, I have no plans for anything that will require energy. I already watered my flower pots, before it got too hot to go out.

This is salad weather, no cooking, no standing by the stove, no oven. I decided early, after watering the plants, that an egg salad might be nice, to go with the other salads and cold meat in my fridge. I grabbed three eggs and put them on the stove to boil. And forgot all about them.

A minute ago I could smell something, and wondered what it could be, as I wasn't cooking, was I?

Foolish, foolish woman. Eggs! The brain finally kicked in and I checked the pot on the stove. The water had completely boiled away and the eggs were scorched, along with the bottom of the pan.

My taste for egg salad will have to be put on hold for a few days, at least until the smell of burnt eggs is gone.

It's a good warning for me. Hot weather and all my systems slow down, the brain fog is worse and my energy is nonexistent.

I remember buying a cute little lady bug kitchen timer, with a louder dinger than the timer on the stove. I need to dig it out of the drawer and keep it handy. And notes, notes are good. I could be enjoying a nice egg salad for my lunch had I set the timer and a note "EGGS" on the table beside me.

And it's still May, so much more of the summer yet to come.

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