I feel the need to go again, and know if I
ignore the feeling, this will be the time it will happen and I’ll end up peeing
my pants. So back to the bathroom I go. At least the back pain I woke up with
has eased, and getting to the bathroom is not so much of a struggle.
This time I’m finally successful, something
is better than nothing. But I’m uncomfortable and go to bed, try to read and
end up having a nap.
I think I’m in ‘retention’, which is different than ‘urgency’ in the MS Bladder dictionary. Retention is being unable to go, not any, not at all, and urgency is a need-to-go-real-bad-right-now kind of rushed thing.
I’ve been in retention before, and the
reason I feel that I’m in the grips of it again is that I have chills, ever
since I peed about 2 hours ago. I cannot get warm, in spite of my fleece jacket
and the fuzzy throw; I’m still cold, and shaking. I refuse to turn the furnace
up, but if it doesn’t settle soon may take a warm bath to try and stop it. Yeah
I know, warm bath, MS, not a good combination. That’s why I’ll put it off, try
a warm cup of tea first, and have the bath later, when I can go to bed, and
hopefully sleep.
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