Thursday, 11 September 2014

Flyers and My Shopping Lists

Today is Thursday, the day the newspaper is delivered with its array of store flyers, and all the bargains for the coming week. I have a bit if a ritual where the flyers are concerned. Because I have some memory issues, I make a list for each store of anything and everything I might be interested in, so I can make an informed decision on where to shop.

This habit began when I lost the energy to run multiple errands at any one time. I’m good for maybe 2 stops, so I have to make the most of each one.

As I was cleaning up yesterday I found three shopping lists for the past few weeks, and realized I had not been in any of the stores on my list. Actually, I realized I had not really been in a grocery store for a good shopping in almost a month.

A week ago my daughter picked up groceries for me, and this past Sunday we went to Walmart, because I needed more than just groceries. I’ve had a cold so my get-up-and-go, got up and went, and I’ve relied on the help of others.

The lists aren’t important, as I’ve been able to get what I need. The lists that are never used are just another reminder of how I’ve adapted my life to my disease.

And here’s the connect...because I’m not out every day, I forget to water my pots outside the door. They’ve been struggling but after this recent drought, I’m afraid there was no recovery possible, the plants were done for. Two weeks ago I saw a garden flyer, and added fall mums to my list, to replace my near dead petunias. I never got to the store.

On a higher note, I was coming back from the doctor on Monday after having my injured finger looked at, when my friend and I stopped at the store so I could get my mums.

Sometimes you just have to grab onto the moment, and get it done. Sometimes you have to persevere, mind over matter, and not give in to the fatigue. I may have been tired that night and into the next day, but when I walk out my door, I have beautiful yellow blooms to greet me.

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