Thursday, 27 July 2017

Ain't No Twinkle Toes

Have you ever had those spasms in your toes where each toe is going in a different direction? I get them frequently, and was lying down, felt my toes tense and looked down.

On the right foot, the big toe was down and to the left, the other toes normal. On the left foot four toes were bending down, the big toe in a normal position.

Sometimes when I have these spasm they have been very painful. Not too long ago I had a bad episode, and had to press my foot flat on the cooler bathroom floor for some relief. Other times, I know it's happening, but there is little to no pain.

I wonder if the fact it's been less painful is due to the medication I've been on for nerve pain. Since I started I've had less pain in my feet at night, and in my lower legs. The stabbing pain in my fingers is gone, though it seems to have moved down to my foot, at the base of my big toe.

I haven't increased the medication as the doctor had ordered. And, yes, I know self medicating is not smart, but I can't afford to increase the dosage if it would increase my dizziness and balance issues.

Had that spasm again to my feet. You'd think it would be the same on both sides, in sync so to speak, but it makes me laugh to see my toes all going in different direction.

At least I can still laugh about it all. Today at least.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Garbage Day Get Up and GO

I felt like a train wreck this morning, after the day of vacuuming yesterday, barely made it to the bathroom and back to bed for a little more sleep.

But it's Monday, garbage day, so I had to get up. I gathered the bags of recycling, the 'wet' garbage, found my shoes and cane and opened the door. The first few steps were hesitant, but then it got easier, the further I went.

It's  a beautiful sunny day out there. I looked at my garden with the thriving Hostas, my pots not so healthy.

As busy as I've been the last couple of weeks, the watering has been hit and miss. I lost one, not from a lack of water, but from over watering. Apparently there was a piece of plastic in the bottom of the pot that would not let the water drain, and as this pot was in a position to get the rain, the roots were soaked and rotten.

I need to replace it, as I miss the color.

My neighbor just visited, a catch up from the weekend. It's one of the nicest things about living here, neighbors who visit and watch out for each other.

Maybe I'll be up for a little walk later, to the common room, to do my laundry. Now that is the one downfall here, especially in winter. But like life, you have to balance the good with the bad, and hope the good comes out ahead.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Hating Housework

We're a week and a day since my daughter's supposedly surprise party, and I had hoped to get back to a more normal and less stressful, less anxiety driven week.

It started out on Monday with an out of town trip to meet one of my oldest friends for lunch. This is something we'd hoped to do on a more regular basis but it just hasn't happened. I managed to get through a side trip to Michael's, the craft store, as it's been awhile and I needed the fix.

There was a dinner at the restaurant for family that night as it was her actual birthday, and I got through that, my energy draining quickly and knew I was going to crash once I got home.

The next day I drove out of town to pick up two of my grandchildren, as their parents were working. Thank goodness for the internet, though I really don't approve of that as a babysitter, any more than I liked using television in my day. We had lunch on our way back to my place, and a stop at the store, thinking ahead as I had slave labor to carry stuff.

I set my granddaughter up to do a craft, painting rocks, while my grandson played on his tablet.

The next day my daughter dropped over. By Thursday it was lock the doors, and pull the covers over my head as I needed some recovery time. I basically slept off and on for the whole day

Friday would have been the same but I'd promised a trip out to my son's to check on the kittens as they were away.

I had managed no housework over the past two weeks, to stressed and worn out with party preparations, so decided I would clean at least the bathroom before i went to check on the cats.

Saturday I was given a chance to spend time with another granddaughter and we did craft stuff all afternoon, and when she left I was done in, but had stuff now to pick up and cleaning to be done. I decided I would do it Sunday.

Finally, I have the vacuuming done, though not a perfect job, better than it was. I could only do a small section at a time, (I mean small as I have a studio type apartment), before I had to lie down because of back pain. Three applications of analgesic balm, two doses of Tylenol and about four short lie downs and it's done. And I am exhausted.

I see the dust on the shelves, but that will have to wait for another day, my body'd had all it can take. I wanted to nap, but as I skipped lunch I was afraid I'd sleep through dinner. It's in the oven and the timer had gone, so it's dinner and back to lying down.

Please can tomorrow be a quiet day.

Monday, 17 July 2017

No More Crazy

I had to put aside that episode on Wednesday and carry on, too many things to do.

It's my daughter's birthday today, but the big party was Saturday, and I was doing decorations, the ice cream cake and making a salad.

The long naps became a habit and left me with sleepless nights, which of course lead to fatigue filled days. But on a positive note, I stayed rooted in the here and now, and did not skip a day, though all day Friday I thought it was Saturday.

The party was fun, lots of visiting with friends, the kids running around being kids and good food to top it all off.

Happy Birthday to my first born, my daughter, here's wishing you all the best life has to offer.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

What's Going On?

Let me say first off that it's been a very emotional and physically wearing few days. I've been out, and busy every day, in the hot weather and that doesn't help. As I got in the car the last time today I had difficulty lifting my leg up to get in the car and could feel a weakness in my legs. I knew I wouldn't be able to walk much farther.

I don't remember much of coming home, except I needed to lie down, which I obviously did, and really crashed.

When I woke up I was totally disoriented, saw the clock said 5:40 and thought, wow, did I ever sleep, thinking it was morning. I leaned over and grabbed my medication container and took the A.M. dose and got up to the bathroom.

I felt fairly awake, and the TV was on, so I decided to watch something and maybe fall back asleep. That was when I first realized that it was not morning. I guess the fact I was fully dressed, the drapes were open and the TV was on wasn't enough.

I wondered, as I went through the channel listings, when they'd changed their shows, as I was seeing shows not normally available at 5 in the morning. Noticed the time on the channel listings was 5-6 PM and finally got a clue.

Boy, those deep, hard sleeps that come from overdoing can be tough. I don't think I've ever woken from one quite as disoriented as today. The second dose of my daily meds shouldn't be a problem and I can laugh now at how silly I was.

Looking forward to tomorrow, and nothing to do.

Friday, 7 July 2017

First Week Completed

I made it through the first week of the new medication, the one for nerve pain. Has it helped? I'd say yes...except...I have some dizziness that means I have to move slow, no sudden changes, especially if turning or bending down.

I was to double the dose yesterday, but decided to take some caution. I doubled the evening dose, and kept the day time dose the same. That way, if I'm busy, going out, driving whatever, I'll not be risking things by having my balance off even more.

Had the eye teat for peripheral vision, have to repeat the right eye again, same as last year. Maybe it takes me that long to get the gist of it. I feel like I'm in an arcade shooting the ducks, except there's a brain delay between what I see and when my brain recognizes it. I always felt like I was a step behind.

Left eye was good. If I lose the peripheral is my driving license in jeopardy? Time will tell.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Six Days and Counting

I have been on the new medication for nerve pain now for six days, and need to assess, as the dosage is to be doubled on day eight.

I admit I start new meds with caution now after that bout of vertigo. This time, not vertigo, but the dizziness, blurred vision and fatigue, as the drug information sheet predicted. I've managed the increased dizziness, but then I was home and not walking far. The blurred vision was not so bad, I could still read.

Out yesterday for groceries, and it was my usual back pain that did me in, so I could barely walk. Being able to sit for a few minutes helps, but shopping with the walker when I need a cart doesn't work.

Do I feel better is the question. Can I say there has been a reduction in pain?

As this new drug also is prescribed for fibromyalgia, another of my ailments, I'm thinking there might be a lessening in the weird niggly pains that are constant and annoying. At night. I don't feel the pain in my feet the same, the odd sensation in my toes that are numb. And I do think that the late day pain that runs down my legs has changed, for the better.

I guess I will try the increase, but will wait until I have a few days at home in case I get vertigo or unmanageable dizziness.

Today it's a visit to the eye doctor, a special test for peripheral vision. Apparently a loss in peripheral vision can be a problem for MS patients. I'm glad my doctor is proactive on things like this.

Day by day, after all, that's how it come, one day at a time.